Martinameetstones. A project to meet The Rolling Stones

I finally get back writing, this is a particularly busy time, with my daughter Linda but I never forget my dream: I would like to meet The Rolling Stones!

The dream

In november 2015 I had a dream that I want to tell you briefly: thanks to a #martinameetstones hashtag I met The Rolling Stones in a space and a place undefined! You know how dreams are, surreal and yet reality. 

That morning I told it to my colleagues and family as the #martinameetstones hashtag continued to rub my head; within a few hours I decided to open an instagram account and I sent a video to the Rolling Stones.

No sooner said, than done.

At the same time I asked people to give me a hand, the idea is that if people use the #martinameetstones hashtag, the chances that the Stones will see my request increases.

Now, life is odd, I could open a channel to ask for a new car, that mine is pretty old but this dream seems so authentic, light and deep that I decided to pursue it.

Martinameetstones goes to London

Why I’m following this dream?

Some people asked me what my purpose is. The answer is simple, I’d like to get to meet these living legends, The Rolling Stones, and have a chat with them. I deal with music everyday and talking with them would be a wonderful thing, I would really like to meet the Band but if that does not happen at least I will have tried it.

Dreaming dreams can be applied to anything, I think about the cyclist Fabio Aru, my compatriot who, with so many sacrifices, has decided to invest his life in a very important dream by making it a job.

You will probably thinking that I can’t compare a dream like mine to a life choice like Fabio’s.

And you’re right but…

As you know there are very important dreams that can be described as real life projects like Fabio Aru dream and other dreams, one shot, carefree, like mine.

Two different things, of course, which in any case cannot be realized by themselves.  

These 3 years I have been in contact with people from all over the world like Philippines, Chile, Canada, England, Massachusetts, Brazil, Ohio, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, New York. Some of them told me about how they knew The band or their passion, their favourite record etc.

So what?

We always complain about the money, the place where we live, the taxes, the neighbors or the Church bells on Sunday mornings.

You know!

But we must concentrate our energies on the positive things and if we do not have anything good around the corner we have to create something.

Life must have macic moments here and there.

Why not? We need some beauty as we struggle for daily things, We must give ourselves a chance to realize dreams. 

If you want to help me to chase my dream, take a photo or video using the #martinameetstones and #therollingstones hashtags

Ps: you can find me on instagram and facebook
